We Reach Out
We Reach Out is a non-profit dedicated to strengthening human bonds within our communities, providing programs and opportunities to enable all community members to grow, thrive, and lead.
In this case study, I'll share with you how I designed a language model solution that will help community members find the resources We Reach Out can provide them.
We Reach Out provides nearly 50 programs programs to a wide range of community members in the Southern California region. However users are finding it challenging to navigate and identify the program and resource for them.
Research and Findings
Interviews were conducted over zoom with both internal department directors and external new users with a set of questions. We found a number of contributing factors associated with navigation issues.
Copious amount of programs
Programs were sorted by internal departments which users do not find meaningful
Individual program pages were onerous in content and does not provide high level overview of who it's for and what it is.
Programs were poorly and incorrectly tagged which causes loss of trust in search system
We tested several iterations of navigation and product sorting and filters but users found it too clinical and didn't speak to the wide array of community members that We Reach Out serves. The We Reach Out team also found that it lacked the warmth that exude their purpose.
What we finally landed on was a friendly language based filter system that walk the user through simple questions to identify their purpose. This coupled with consistent program pages, program summaries and detailed back end tagging of each page helped direct users to programs that they would benefit the most from.